Source: styles.scssTo use this library inside other projects you can use both the SASS or CSS files. Add the package into a npm based project. Add the following to package.json:
"billmate-style-library": "git+https://<GITHUB_TOKEN><VERSION>"
To use the CSS file.
@import '~billmate-style-library/css/styles.css';
To use the minified CSS file.
@import '~billmate-style-library/css/styles.min.css';
To use the SASS file and the framework.
@import '~billmate-style-library/sass/styles.scss';
Then there is a need to override the SASS variable with the correct path.
$billmate-resource-path: '~billmate-style-library';
Source: styles.scssA frontend styling library for using Billmate styles. It is built upon the CSS framework called Bulma ( and contains the icon library Font Awesome (
So basically any component or styling from Bulma documentation ( can be used but with a Billmate look and feel.
Source: _colors.scssText extensions
Source: _colors.scssDisplay
Source: _typography.scssHeaders
Source: _typography.scssHeading
Source: _typography.scssInput
Source: elements/_inputs.scssInput can be used with <input>
, <textarea>
, and <select>
other form based elements.
Types of inputs:
- Standard input: Standard input without any accent
- Positive input: Input with positive accent
- Negative input: Input with negative accent
Input - hint helpers
Source: elements/_inputs.scssPill
Source: elements/_buttons.scssPills can be used with <a>
, <button>
, and <input>
Types of pills:
- Pill Primary: Standard pill
- Pill Secondary: Add an secondary indication over the primary pill
- Pill Tertiary: Add an tertiary indication over the other pill types