Product Docs Help

Get payment info

This is the example for getPaymentinfo. The documentation for can be found here

{ "credentials": { "id": "12345", "hash": "d6c98ac67c1b7dacb49c39a2641b64bca7048f765445a69a4ffad78799091fbef1d3d5ebaf0d88ffea3b98021c2026934313feeaa9bc509a42a6491cd04a714a", "version": "2.5.0", "client": "Pluginname:Qvickly:1.0", "language": "sv", "time": 1714926507.624523 }, "data": { "number": "12345" }, "function": "getPaymentinfo" }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); require '../../../vendor/autoload.php'; use Dotenv\Dotenv; $dotenv = Dotenv::createImmutable(__DIR__ . '/../../..'); $dotenv->load(); use Qvickly\Api\Payment\PaymentAPI; use Qvickly\Api\Payment\DataObjects\Data; $paymentAPI = new PaymentAPI($_ENV['EID'], $_ENV['SECRET']); $data = new Data( [ "number" => "12345" ] ); $payment = $paymentAPI->getPaymentInfo($data); print_r($payment);

Full example can be found here

This code requires our composer package qvickly/api

composer require qvickly/api
<?php include('../PaymentAPI.php'); $test = true; $debug = false; /* Credentials for Auth */ $id = "12345"; $key = "123451234512"; define("QVICKLY_SERVER", "2.5.0"); // API version define("QVICKLY_CLIENT", "Pluginname:Qvickly:1.0"); define("QVICKLY_LANGUAGE", "sv"); $api = new PaymentAPI($id, $key, $test, $debug); $values = array(); /* Payment Data */ /** * @param array Payment Data : Buyer details. */ $values = array( "number" => "1000235" ); echo json_encode($api->getPaymentinfo($values), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

Full example can be found here

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using BillmateAPI; namespace GetPaymentInfo { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { Boolean ssl = false; Dictionary<string, string> referrer = new Dictionary<string, string>(); referrer["HTTP_X_REAL_IP"] = ""; Billmate bm = new Billmate("12345", "123451234512", ssl, true, false, referrer); bm.Client = "Pluginname:Qvickly:1.0"; bm.Server = "2.5.0"; bm.Language = "sv"; Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>(); parameters["number"] = "1000235"; Dictionary<string, object> result = bm.Call("getPaymentinfo", parameters); // Output it in Console result.ToList().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x.Key + ":" + x.Value)); } catch (BillmateException be) { Console.WriteLine(be.ErrorMessage); Console.WriteLine(be.ErrorLogs); } Console.ReadLine(); } } }
import { QvicklyPaymentAPI } from "../../PaymentAPI.js"; const paymentAPI = new QvicklyPaymentAPI(process.env.EID, process.env.SECRET); const payment = await"getPaymentInfo", { number: "12345", }); console.log(payment);

Full example can be found here

import {QvicklyPaymentAPI, env} from "../../PaymentAPI.ts"; const paymentAPI = new QvicklyPaymentAPI(env["EID"], env["SECRET"]); const payment = await"getPaymentInfo", { number: "12345", }); console.log(payment);

Full example can be found here

import QvicklyPaymentAPI from "../../PaymentAPI"; const paymentAPI = new QvicklyPaymentAPI(Bun.env.EID, Bun.env.SECRET); const payment = await"getPaymentInfo", { number: "12345", }); console.log(payment);

Full example can be found here

from PaymentAPI import PaymentAPI # Create a PaymentAPI object api = PaymentAPI(eid, secret) payment ="getPaymentinfo", data={"number":"12345"}) print(json.dumps(payment, indent=4))

Full example can be found here

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use JSON::PP; use Data::Dumper; use lib '../..'; require ""; require ""; LoadEnv('../../.env'); my $test = 1; my $debug = 0; # Credentials for Auth my $id = $ENV{"EID"}; my $key = $ENV{"SECRET"}; my $api = PaymentAPI->new($id, $key, $test, $debug); my $values = { "number" => "12345", }; print(Dumper($api->call("getPaymentInfo", $values))); 1;

Full example can be found here

Response from server

{ "credentials":{ "hash":"5d93099de768c826aefb6f4ebcfd2dbce32b36e49a69e1cac8244abb6969d75e833006c9cc2e315b72807a179efd518e4933188d99e74903d391954697d97737" }, "data":{ "PaymentData":{ "method":"1", "paymentplanid":"", "currency":"SEK", "country":"SE", "language":"sv", "autoactivate":"0", "orderid":"P123456718", "status":"Created", "paymentid_related":"", "url":"" }, "PaymentInfo":{ "paymentdate":"2014-07-31", "paymentterms":"14", "yourreference":"Purchaser X", "ourreference":"Seller Y", "projectname":"Project Z", "deliverymethod":"Post", "deliveryterms":"FOB" }, "Card":{ "promptname":"", "recurring":"", "recurringnr":"", "accepturl":"", "cancelurl":"", "callbackurl":"", "returnmethod":"" }, "Settlement": { "number": "2", "date": "2018-12-17" }, "Customer":{ "nr":"12", "pno":"5501011018", "Billing":{ "firstname":"Firstname", "lastname":"Lastname", "company":"Company", "street":"Street", "street2":"Street2", "zip":"12345", "city":"Lund", "country":"SE", "phone":"0712-345678", "email":"" }, "Shipping":{ "firstname":"Firstname", "lastname":"Lastname", "company":"Company", "street":"Shipping Street 1", "street2":"Shipping Street2", "zip":"23456", "city":"Lund", "country":"SE", "phone":"0711-345678" } }, "Articles":[ { "artnr":"", "title":"Article 1", "quantity":"2", "aprice":"1234", "tax":"617", "discount":"0", "withouttax":"2468", "taxrate":"25" }, { "artnr":"B456", "title":"Article 2", "quantity":"3.5", "aprice":"56780", "tax":"44714", "discount":"10", "withouttax":"178857", "taxrate":"25" } ], "Cart":{ "Handling":{ "withouttax":"1000", "taxrate":"25" }, "Shipping":{ "withouttax":"3000", "taxrate":"25" }, "Total":{ "rounding":"44", "withouttax":"185325", "tax":"46331", "withtax":"231700" } } } }
Last modified: 13 September 2024