Product Docs Help

Get invoices by pno

This is the example for getInvoicesByPno. The documentation for can be found here

{ "credentials": { "id": "12345", "hash": "6f64652a1bfc9cef299d1a8d76e10636716cae33ff49998b413f9513968ea86e56a0974535c434bfa26b1a6c9563b93f45e3951a0215e949b1c2c430e9ca790b", "version": "2.5.0", "client": "Pluginname:Qvickly:1.0", "language": "sv", "time": 1714933179.069521 }, "data": { "pno": "0000000000", "status": "Sent,Paid" }, "function": "getInvoicesByPno" }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); require '../../../vendor/autoload.php'; use Dotenv\Dotenv; $dotenv = Dotenv::createImmutable(__DIR__ . '/../../..'); $dotenv->load(); use Qvickly\Api\Payment\PaymentAPI; use Qvickly\Api\Payment\DataObjects\Data; $paymentAPI = new PaymentAPI($_ENV['EID'], $_ENV['SECRET']); $data = new Data( [ "pno" => "5501011018", "status" => "Sent,Paid", ] ); $invoices = $paymentAPI->getInvoicesByPno($data); print_r($invoices);

Full example can be found here

This code requires our composer package qvickly/api

composer require qvickly/api
<?php include('../PaymentAPI.php'); $test = true; $debug = false; /* Credentials for Auth */ $id = "12345"; $key = "123451234512"; define("QVICKLY_SERVER", "2.5.0"); // API version define("QVICKLY_CLIENT", "Pluginname:Qvickly:1.0"); define("QVICKLY_LANGUAGE", "sv"); $api = new PaymentAPI($id, $key, $test, $debug); $values = array(); $values = array( "pno" => "0000000000", "status" => "Sent,Paid" ); echo json_encode($api->getInvoicesByPno($values), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

Full example can be found here

import { QvicklyPaymentAPI } from "../../PaymentAPI.js"; const paymentAPI = new QvicklyPaymentAPI(process.env.EID, process.env.SECRET); const invoices = await"getInvoicesByPno", { pno: "0000000000", }); console.log(invoices);

Full example can be found here

import {QvicklyPaymentAPI, env} from "../../PaymentAPI.ts"; const paymentAPI = new QvicklyPaymentAPI(env["EID"], env["SECRET"]); const invoices = await"getInvoicesByPno", { pno: "0000000000", }); console.log(invoices);

Full example can be found here

import QvicklyPaymentAPI from "../../PaymentAPI"; const paymentAPI = new QvicklyPaymentAPI(Bun.env.EID, Bun.env.SECRET); const invoices = await"getInvoicesByPno", { pno: "0000000000", }); console.log(invoices);

Full example can be found here

from PaymentAPI import PaymentAPI # Create a PaymentAPI object api = PaymentAPI(eid, secret) invoices ="getInvoicesByPno", data={"pno":"0000000000", "status":"Sent,Paid"}) print(json.dumps(invoices, indent=4))

Full example can be found here

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use JSON::PP; use Data::Dumper; use lib '../..'; require ""; require ""; LoadEnv('../../.env'); my $test = 1; my $debug = 0; # Credentials for Auth my $id = $ENV{"EID"}; my $key = $ENV{"SECRET"}; my $api = PaymentAPI->new($id, $key, $test, $debug); my $values = { "pno" => "5555555555", "status" => "Sent,Paid", }; print(Dumper($api->call("getInvoicesByPno", $values))); 1;

Full example can be found here

Response from server

{ "credentials": { "hash": "37790e896e2f78c58cbc7da6bafee4fd987ed1f02a72a5bc5faf79632276291ed34555d1d2d9d8b3858e1d39905efdc8b3148545 dac654a11c2f0d05ff2ae1e5", "logid": 1234567 }, "data": [ { "status": "Cancelled", "name": "Whazzup", "invoicedate": "2024-04-19", "duedate": "2024-05-03", "topay": "0.00", "invoiceid_real": "12345", "fileurl": "", "balancedue": "0.00", "invoicetype": "F", "distributor_status": "Cancelled", "creditinvoiceid": "", "hash": "2024089017233469726180c4f1b6bce", "mm3servicesid": "123456", "mexcModulesid": "543210", "mexcCustomerinvoicesid": "1234567" } ] }
Last modified: 13 September 2024