Product Docs Help


/articles GET

GET method/articles

List all articles


[ { "mexcParamvaluesetsid": "123456", "date": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "articlenr": "abc123", "articlename": "Basic article", "articlegroup": "Basic", "price": 123.45, "vat": "25", "unit": "st", "currency": "SEK", "mexcModulesid": 12345, "mm3servicesid": 12345, "changedate": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "status": "ACTIVE", "name2": "Additional name", "workcostenabled": "example", "stock": 123, "pricelist": "example" } ]

/articles POST

POST method/articles

Create a new article

Request parameters

{ "mexcParamvaluesetsid": "123456", "date": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "articlenr": "abc123", "articlename": "Basic article", "articlegroup": "Basic", "price": 123.45, "vat": "25", "unit": "st", "currency": "SEK", "mexcModulesid": 12345, "mm3servicesid": 12345, "changedate": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "status": "ACTIVE", "name2": "Additional name", "workcostenabled": "example", "stock": 123, "pricelist": "example" }


{ "mexcParamvaluesetsid": "123456", "date": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "articlenr": "abc123", "articlename": "Basic article", "articlegroup": "Basic", "price": 123.45, "vat": "25", "unit": "st", "currency": "SEK", "mexcModulesid": 12345, "mm3servicesid": 12345, "changedate": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "status": "ACTIVE", "name2": "Additional name", "workcostenabled": "example", "stock": 123, "pricelist": "example" }

Delete multiple articles

DELETE method/articles

Remove more than one article

Request parameters

[ 10000, 10000 ]


{ "result": "Removed", "count": 2 }

/articles/count GET

GET method/articles/count

Count articles


{ "count": 7 }

/articles/{id} GET

GET method/articles/{id}

Get the article for the given id

Request parameters


{ "mexcParamvaluesetsid": "123456", "date": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "articlenr": "abc123", "articlename": "Basic article", "articlegroup": "Basic", "price": 123.45, "vat": "25", "unit": "st", "currency": "SEK", "mexcModulesid": 12345, "mm3servicesid": 12345, "changedate": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "status": "ACTIVE", "name2": "Additional name", "workcostenabled": "example", "stock": 123, "pricelist": "example" }

/articles/{id} DELETE

DELETE method/articles/{id}

Delete an article

Request parameters


{ "status": "DELETED", "query_id": 1000 }

/articles/{id} PATCH

PATCH method/articles/{id}

Update an article

Request parameters

{ "mexcParamvaluesetsid": "123456", "date": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "articlenr": "abc123", "articlename": "Basic article", "articlegroup": "Basic", "price": 123.45, "vat": "25", "unit": "st", "currency": "SEK", "mexcModulesid": 12345, "mm3servicesid": 12345, "changedate": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "status": "ACTIVE", "name2": "Additional name", "workcostenabled": "example", "stock": 123, "pricelist": "example" }


{ "mexcParamvaluesetsid": "123456", "date": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "articlenr": "abc123", "articlename": "Basic article", "articlegroup": "Basic", "price": 123.45, "vat": "25", "unit": "st", "currency": "SEK", "mexcModulesid": 12345, "mm3servicesid": 12345, "changedate": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "status": "ACTIVE", "name2": "Additional name", "workcostenabled": "example", "stock": 123, "pricelist": "example" }

/conversations GET

GET method/conversations

List all conversations


[ { "bmConversationsid": 1000, "mm3customersid": 1000, "mm3useraccountsid": 1000, "title": "Test-title", "message": "Thanks to our fantastic customers", "status": "Opened", "bmstatus": "Unread", "createdAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "changedAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z" } ]

/conversations POST

POST method/conversations

Create a new conversation

If the payload contains a message then a new message will be created and assigned to this conversation

Request parameters

{ "bmConversationsid": 1000, "mm3customersid": 1000, "mm3useraccountsid": 1000, "title": "Test-title", "message": "Thanks to our fantastic customers", "status": "Opened", "bmstatus": "Unread", "createdAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "changedAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z" }


{ "bmConversationsid": 1000, "mm3customersid": 1000, "mm3useraccountsid": 1000, "title": "Test-title", "message": "Thanks to our fantastic customers", "status": "Opened", "bmstatus": "Unread", "createdAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "changedAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z" }

/conversations/{id} GET

GET method/conversations/{id}

Get the conversation for the given id

Request parameters


{ "bmConversationsid": 1000, "mm3customersid": 1000, "mm3useraccountsid": 1000, "title": "Test-title", "message": "Thanks to our fantastic customers", "status": "Opened", "bmstatus": "Unread", "createdAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "changedAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z" }

/conversations/{id} DELETE

DELETE method/conversations/{id}

Delete a conversation and all of its messages.

Request parameters


{ "status": "DELETED", "query_id": 1000 }

/conversations/{id} PATCH

PATCH method/conversations/{id}

Update a conversation

Request parameters

{ "bmConversationsid": 1000, "mm3customersid": 1000, "mm3useraccountsid": 1000, "title": "Test-title", "message": "Thanks to our fantastic customers", "status": "Opened", "bmstatus": "Unread", "createdAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "changedAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z" }


{ "bmConversationsid": 1000, "mm3customersid": 1000, "mm3useraccountsid": 1000, "title": "Test-title", "message": "Thanks to our fantastic customers", "status": "Opened", "bmstatus": "Unread", "createdAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "changedAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z" }

/conversations/{id}/messages GET

GET method/conversations/{id}/messages

Get all messages associated with a conversation

Request parameters


[ { "bmConversationmessagesid": 2000, "bmConversationsid": 1000, "message": "Thanks to our fantastic customers", "source": "MERCHANT", "createdAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "changedAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z" } ]

/conversations/{id}/messages POST

POST method/conversations/{id}/messages

Create a new message in a conversation

Request parameters

{ "bmConversationmessagesid": 2000, "bmConversationsid": 1000, "message": "Thanks to our fantastic customers", "source": "MERCHANT", "createdAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "changedAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z" }


{ "bmConversationmessagesid": 2000, "bmConversationsid": 1000, "message": "Thanks to our fantastic customers", "source": "MERCHANT", "createdAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z", "changedAt": "2022-12-21T12:00Z" }

Get the countries

GET method/countries

Returns a list of countries


[ { "txtEnglish": "Sweden", "txtSwedish": "Sverige", "key": "SE" } ]

Get the gln numbers of an organization by organization number

GET method/creditflow/search/{orgNum}

Returns a list of gln numbers of an organization

Request parameters


[ 10000, 10000 ]

Get the currencies

GET method/currencies

Returns a list of currencies


[ { "currency": "SEK", "name": "Swedish krona/kronor", "symbol": "kr" } ]

Get the customers of a merchant

GET method/customers

Returns a list of customers of a merchant


[ { "mexcParamvaluesetsid": 1000, "date": "2022-08-07T15:50:57.000Z", "customerid": "Test-Customer", "name": "Test-Name", "address": "Test-Address", "postcode": "Test-Post code", "postoffice": "Test-Post office", "state": "Test-state", "countrycode": "se", "telephone": "Test-Telephone", "fax": "Test-Fax", "mobile": "Test-Mobile", "deliveryaddress": "Test-Delivery address", "deliverypostcode": "Test-Delivery post code", "deliverypostoffice": "Test-Delivery office", "email": "", "reference": "Test-Reference", "companyno": "Test-Company no", "vatregno": "Test-vatreg no", "paymentterms": "Test-Payment", "rebate": "Test-Rebate", "currency": "SEK", "language": "sv", "export": "Test-Export", "handlingcharge": "Test-Charge", "reversetax": "Test-Reverse tax", "mexcModulesid": 1000, "mm3servicesid": 1000, "country": "Sweden", "creditlimit": "Test-Credit limit", "customertypecode": "Test-Customer type code", "deliveryterms": "Test-Delivery terms", "deliverymethod": "Test-Delivery method", "deliveryname": "Test-Delivery name", "deliveryaddress2": "Test-Delivery address2", "deliverycountrycode": "Test-Delivery country code", "deliverycountry": "Test-Delivery country", "profile": "Test-Profile", "name2": "Test-Name2", "address2": "Test-Address2", "propertydesignation": "Test-Property designation", "housingassociationregno": "Test-Housing association reg no", "status": "Test-Status", "statuslog": "Test-Status log", "longitude": "Test-Longitude", "latitude": "Test-Latitude", "glncode": "Test-Gln code", "reference_order": "Test-Reference order", "email_order": "Test-Email order", "reference_offer": "Test-Reference offer", "email_offer": "Test-Email offer", "notes": "Test-Notes", "origin": "Test-Origin", "pricelist": "Test-Price list", "crediflowPartyId": "Test-Credit flow party id" } ]

Place a customer for a Merchant

POST method/customers

Place a new customer in the customers of a Merchant

Request parameters

{ "mexcParamvaluesetsid": 1000, "date": "2022-08-07T15:50:57.000Z", "customerid": "Test-Customer", "name": "Test-Name", "address": "Test-Address", "postcode": "Test-Post code", "postoffice": "Test-Post office", "state": "Test-state", "countrycode": "se", "telephone": "Test-Telephone", "fax": "Test-Fax", "mobile": "Test-Mobile", "deliveryaddress": "Test-Delivery address", "deliverypostcode": "Test-Delivery post code", "deliverypostoffice": "Test-Delivery office", "email": "", "reference": "Test-Reference", "companyno": "Test-Company no", "vatregno": "Test-vatreg no", "paymentterms": "Test-Payment", "rebate": "Test-Rebate", "currency": "SEK", "language": "sv", "export": "Test-Export", "handlingcharge": "Test-Charge", "reversetax": "Test-Reverse tax", "mexcModulesid": 1000, "mm3servicesid": 1000, "country": "Sweden", "creditlimit": "Test-Credit limit", "customertypecode": "Test-Customer type code", "deliveryterms": "Test-Delivery terms", "deliverymethod": "Test-Delivery method", "deliveryname": "Test-Delivery name", "deliveryaddress2": "Test-Delivery address2", "deliverycountrycode": "Test-Delivery country code", "deliverycountry": "Test-Delivery country", "profile": "Test-Profile", "name2": "Test-Name2", "address2": "Test-Address2", "propertydesignation": "Test-Property designation", "housingassociationregno": "Test-Housing association reg no", "status": "Test-Status", "statuslog": "Test-Status log", "longitude": "Test-Longitude", "latitude": "Test-Latitude", "glncode": "Test-Gln code", "reference_order": "Test-Reference order", "email_order": "Test-Email order", "reference_offer": "Test-Reference offer", "email_offer": "Test-Email offer", "notes": "Test-Notes", "origin": "Test-Origin", "pricelist": "Test-Price list", "crediflowPartyId": "Test-Credit flow party id" }


{ "mexcParamvaluesetsid": 1000, "date": "2022-08-07T15:50:57.000Z", "customerid": "Test-Customer", "name": "Test-Name", "address": "Test-Address", "postcode": "Test-Post code", "postoffice": "Test-Post office", "state": "Test-state", "countrycode": "se", "telephone": "Test-Telephone", "fax": "Test-Fax", "mobile": "Test-Mobile", "deliveryaddress": "Test-Delivery address", "deliverypostcode": "Test-Delivery post code", "deliverypostoffice": "Test-Delivery office", "email": "", "reference": "Test-Reference", "companyno": "Test-Company no", "vatregno": "Test-vatreg no", "paymentterms": "Test-Payment", "rebate": "Test-Rebate", "currency": "SEK", "language": "sv", "export": "Test-Export", "handlingcharge": "Test-Charge", "reversetax": "Test-Reverse tax", "mexcModulesid": 1000, "mm3servicesid": 1000, "country": "Sweden", "creditlimit": "Test-Credit limit", "customertypecode": "Test-Customer type code", "deliveryterms": "Test-Delivery terms", "deliverymethod": "Test-Delivery method", "deliveryname": "Test-Delivery name", "deliveryaddress2": "Test-Delivery address2", "deliverycountrycode": "Test-Delivery country code", "deliverycountry": "Test-Delivery country", "profile": "Test-Profile", "name2": "Test-Name2", "address2": "Test-Address2", "propertydesignation": "Test-Property designation", "housingassociationregno": "Test-Housing association reg no", "status": "Test-Status", "statuslog": "Test-Status log", "longitude": "Test-Longitude", "latitude": "Test-Latitude", "glncode": "Test-Gln code", "reference_order": "Test-Reference order", "email_order": "Test-Email order", "reference_offer": "Test-Reference offer", "email_offer": "Test-Email offer", "notes": "Test-Notes", "origin": "Test-Origin", "pricelist": "Test-Price list", "crediflowPartyId": "Test-Credit flow party id" }

Delete multiple customers

DELETE method/customers

Remove more than one customer

Request parameters

[ 10000, 10000 ]


{ "result": "Removed", "count": 2 }

Get the number of matching customers according to the supplied filters

GET method/customers/count

Returns object with a count representing the number of customers that matches the current filter.


{ "count": 7 }

Find customer by mexcParamvaluesetsid

GET method/customers/{mexcParamvaluesetsid}

Returns a single customer

Request parameters


{ "mexcParamvaluesetsid": 1000, "date": "2022-08-07T15:50:57.000Z", "customerid": "Test-Customer", "name": "Test-Name", "address": "Test-Address", "postcode": "Test-Post code", "postoffice": "Test-Post office", "state": "Test-state", "countrycode": "se", "telephone": "Test-Telephone", "fax": "Test-Fax", "mobile": "Test-Mobile", "deliveryaddress": "Test-Delivery address", "deliverypostcode": "Test-Delivery post code", "deliverypostoffice": "Test-Delivery office", "email": "", "reference": "Test-Reference", "companyno": "Test-Company no", "vatregno": "Test-vatreg no", "paymentterms": "Test-Payment", "rebate": "Test-Rebate", "currency": "SEK", "language": "sv", "export": "Test-Export", "handlingcharge": "Test-Charge", "reversetax": "Test-Reverse tax", "mexcModulesid": 1000, "mm3servicesid": 1000, "country": "Sweden", "creditlimit": "Test-Credit limit", "customertypecode": "Test-Customer type code", "deliveryterms": "Test-Delivery terms", "deliverymethod": "Test-Delivery method", "deliveryname": "Test-Delivery name", "deliveryaddress2": "Test-Delivery address2", "deliverycountrycode": "Test-Delivery country code", "deliverycountry": "Test-Delivery country", "profile": "Test-Profile", "name2": "Test-Name2", "address2": "Test-Address2", "propertydesignation": "Test-Property designation", "housingassociationregno": "Test-Housing association reg no", "status": "Test-Status", "statuslog": "Test-Status log", "longitude": "Test-Longitude", "latitude": "Test-Latitude", "glncode": "Test-Gln code", "reference_order": "Test-Reference order", "email_order": "Test-Email order", "reference_offer": "Test-Reference offer", "email_offer": "Test-Email offer", "notes": "Test-Notes", "origin": "Test-Origin", "pricelist": "Test-Price list", "crediflowPartyId": "Test-Credit flow party id" }

Delete a customer

DELETE method/customers/{mexcParamvaluesetsid}

Removes a customer

Request parameters


{ "result": "Removed", "mexcParamvaluesetsid": 10000 }

Update an existing customer

PATCH method/customers/{mexcParamvaluesetsid}

Update an existing customer by mexcParamvaluesetsid

Request parameters

{ "mexcParamvaluesetsid": 1000, "date": "2022-08-07T15:50:57.000Z", "customerid": "Test-Customer", "name": "Test-Name", "address": "Test-Address", "postcode": "Test-Post code", "postoffice": "Test-Post office", "state": "Test-state", "countrycode": "se", "telephone": "Test-Telephone", "fax": "Test-Fax", "mobile": "Test-Mobile", "deliveryaddress": "Test-Delivery address", "deliverypostcode": "Test-Delivery post code", "deliverypostoffice": "Test-Delivery office", "email": "", "reference": "Test-Reference", "companyno": "Test-Company no", "vatregno": "Test-vatreg no", "paymentterms": "Test-Payment", "rebate": "Test-Rebate", "currency": "SEK", "language": "sv", "export": "Test-Export", "handlingcharge": "Test-Charge", "reversetax": "Test-Reverse tax", "mexcModulesid": 1000, "mm3servicesid": 1000, "country": "Sweden", "creditlimit": "Test-Credit limit", "customertypecode": "Test-Customer type code", "deliveryterms": "Test-Delivery terms", "deliverymethod": "Test-Delivery method", "deliveryname": "Test-Delivery name", "deliveryaddress2": "Test-Delivery address2", "deliverycountrycode": "Test-Delivery country code", "deliverycountry": "Test-Delivery country", "profile": "Test-Profile", "name2": "Test-Name2", "address2": "Test-Address2", "propertydesignation": "Test-Property designation", "housingassociationregno": "Test-Housing association reg no", "status": "Test-Status", "statuslog": "Test-Status log", "longitude": "Test-Longitude", "latitude": "Test-Latitude", "glncode": "Test-Gln code", "reference_order": "Test-Reference order", "email_order": "Test-Email order", "reference_offer": "Test-Reference offer", "email_offer": "Test-Email offer", "notes": "Test-Notes", "origin": "Test-Origin", "pricelist": "Test-Price list", "crediflowPartyId": "Test-Credit flow party id" }


{ "mexcParamvaluesetsid": 1000, "date": "2022-08-07T15:50:57.000Z", "customerid": "Test-Customer", "name": "Test-Name", "address": "Test-Address", "postcode": "Test-Post code", "postoffice": "Test-Post office", "state": "Test-state", "countrycode": "se", "telephone": "Test-Telephone", "fax": "Test-Fax", "mobile": "Test-Mobile", "deliveryaddress": "Test-Delivery address", "deliverypostcode": "Test-Delivery post code", "deliverypostoffice": "Test-Delivery office", "email": "", "reference": "Test-Reference", "companyno": "Test-Company no", "vatregno": "Test-vatreg no", "paymentterms": "Test-Payment", "rebate": "Test-Rebate", "currency": "SEK", "language": "sv", "export": "Test-Export", "handlingcharge": "Test-Charge", "reversetax": "Test-Reverse tax", "mexcModulesid": 1000, "mm3servicesid": 1000, "country": "Sweden", "creditlimit": "Test-Credit limit", "customertypecode": "Test-Customer type code", "deliveryterms": "Test-Delivery terms", "deliverymethod": "Test-Delivery method", "deliveryname": "Test-Delivery name", "deliveryaddress2": "Test-Delivery address2", "deliverycountrycode": "Test-Delivery country code", "deliverycountry": "Test-Delivery country", "profile": "Test-Profile", "name2": "Test-Name2", "address2": "Test-Address2", "propertydesignation": "Test-Property designation", "housingassociationregno": "Test-Housing association reg no", "status": "Test-Status", "statuslog": "Test-Status log", "longitude": "Test-Longitude", "latitude": "Test-Latitude", "glncode": "Test-Gln code", "reference_order": "Test-Reference order", "email_order": "Test-Email order", "reference_offer": "Test-Reference offer", "email_offer": "Test-Email offer", "notes": "Test-Notes", "origin": "Test-Origin", "pricelist": "Test-Price list", "crediflowPartyId": "Test-Credit flow party id" }

Get the person/company details by orgNum

GET method/customers/searchByOrgNumber/{orgNum}

Returns the details of the person/company

Request parameters


{ "firstname": "Kalle", "lastname": "Svensson", "company": "Test AB", "street": "Teststreet", "zip": 12341, "city": "Testcity", "country": "SE", "phone": "46701234678", "email": "" }

Export the customers as XML

GET method/customers/export/xml

Returns a XML file that includes the customers


Export multiple customers as XML

POST method/customers/export/xml

Export the customers that are required

Request parameters

[ 10000, 10000 ]


Export the customers as CSV

GET method/customers/export/csv

Returns a CSV file that includes the customers


Export multiple customers as CSV

POST method/customers/export/csv

Export the customers that are required

Request parameters

[ 10000, 10000 ]


Check the bankid token

GET method/documents/collect/{orderRef}

Checks the bankid token

Request parameters


{ "CustomerKnowledgeBankidCollectResponse": { "orderRef": "example", "status": "example", "hintCode": "example" } }

Upload attachments

POST method/documents/{name}/{id}/attachments

Upload attachments

Request parameters


{ "message": "Attachments are uploaded" }

Sign the document by Bankid

POST method/documents/{name}/{id}/sign

Signs the document by Bankid

Request parameters

{ "pno": "550101-1018" }


{ "CustomerKnowledgeBankidSignSuccessMessage": { "orderRef": "example", "autoStartToken": "example", "qrStartToken": "example", "hashes": "example" } }

Post form data

POST method/documents/{name}

Posts form data

Request parameters

{ "CustomerKnowledgeCompany": { "companyName": "a", "orgnum": "a", "nofEmployees": "a", "contact": "a", "typeOfBusiness": "a", "yourMainCustomer": "a", "foundedTime": "a", "moneyPerMonth": "a", "averageTransaction": "a", "transactionPerMonth": "a", "usedServices": "a", "explanationService": "a", "businessFinanced": "a", "explanationBusiness": "a", "businessCountry": "a", "paymentsCountry": "a", "paymentsAbroadPerMonth": "a", "politicPersons": [ { "name": "a", "pno": "a", "interest": "a", "pepOrRca": "a" } ], "ownershipStructure": "example", "hasAdditionalOwners": "example", "additionalOwners": [ { "name": "a", "pno": "b" } ] } }


{ "id": "b80bb774-0288-3da1-b201-890375a60c8f" }

Send a feedback of the customer with rate,feedback and useragent

POST method/feedback

Sends a feedback of the customer with rate,feedback and useragent

Request parameters

{ "rate": "Test-rate", "feedback": "Test-Feedback", "useragent": "Test-Useragent" }


Get the invoices for a merchant

GET method/invoices

Returns a list of invoices for a merchant


[ { "mexcCustomerinvoicesid": 1234, "mm3servicesid": 123, "mexcModulesid": 123, "flags": { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 10 ] }, "mexcParamvaluesetsid_customer": 123, "date": "Mon Aug 15 00:00:00 UTC 2022", "comments": "This is a comment", "fileurl": "example", "status": "Created", "createddate": "2022-08-15T12:00:22Z", "sentdate": "2019-01-10T23:18:45Z", "invoicedate": "2022-08-15T12:00Z", "duedate": "2022-09-14T12:00Z", "deliverydate": "Mon Aug 15 00:00:00 UTC 2022", "currency": "SEK", "interest": "11.00%", "invoiceid_real": 123456, "customername": "Nisse Hult", "customerno": "", "statuslog": "example", "street": "Gatan 1", "postalcode": "12345", "city": "Testinge", "yourreference": "Purchaser N.N.", "ourreference": "Seller N.N.", "invoicetype": "f", "creditinvoiceid": 81, "housework": 0, "houseid": "example", "houseorgnr": "example", "paymentterms": 14, "topay": "123", "mexcCustomeroffersid": 0, "offerid_real": 0, "mexcCustomerordersid": 0, "orderid_real": 0, "withtax": 1, "sharing_reductions": "example", "paiddate": "2003-11-16T00:11:13Z", "balancedue": "example", "handlingcharge": "0", "freight": "0", "projectname": "project X", "distributor_status": "example", "deliveryterms": "example", "delivery": "example", "rounding": "0", "yourorder": "1234556789", "orgnum": "000000-0000", "reminderfee": "example", "attachment": "example", "address2": "", "logopath": "example", "ocr": "example", "deliveryenabled": 1, "country": "Sverige", "language": "sv", "email": "", "creditcheck": "Pending", "json_data": "[]", "hash": "29220704685725e3a09002f3794a67562334e220", "ip": "::1", "phonenumber": "0700000000", "enduserid": 0, "payment_id": "example", "batch_id": "example", "commission_percentage": 58, "commission_fee": 34, "glncode": "example", "awsSESmsgid": "example", "mexcCreditchecksid": 0, "mpuResponse": "example", "mpaStatus": "example", "mpaComments": "example", "transactionId": "example", "mm3useraccountsid": 97, "mexcQuickpaymentsid": "example", "swedbankpayId": "example", "attachmentFiles": [ "attachment1.pdf" ], "jsonData": { "pclass": -1 }, "JSON": { "delivery": {}, "Cart": {}, "Avrakning": {}, "PaymentData": {}, "InternallyData": {} }, "statuslogRows": [ "2022-01-01 08:29:15, Faktura annulleras via API (2,0): OnlineBillmate.v2 apiLogsid: 234567", "2022-01-01 08:05:29, Consumer, PDF is opened", "2022-01-01 07:51:28, Faktura skapas med API (Ny): Pluginname:BillMate:1.0 apiLogsid: 123456", "2022-01-01 07:51:28, Faktura skapas med API (Ny): Pluginname:BillMate:1.0 apiLogsid: 123456" ], "statuslogFiltered": [ "2022-01-01 08:29:15, Faktura annulleras via API (2,0): OnlineBillmate.v2 apiLogsid: 234567", "2022-01-01 07:51:28, Faktura skapas med API (Ny): Pluginname:BillMate:1.0 apiLogsid: 123456", "2022-01-01 07:51:28, Faktura skapas med API (Ny): Pluginname:BillMate:1.0 apiLogsid: 123456" ], "biFlags": "148713242640,", "INVOCE_FLAGS_SEND": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_PAPER": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_MAIL2CUSTOMER": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_EBREV": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_FACTORING": true, "INVOCE_FLAGS_HANDLING": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_SENTBYDISTRIBUTOR": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_CARD": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_BANK": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_CREDITCREATED": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_PARTPAYMENT": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_CASH": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_CHECKOUT": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_SIMPLE": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_RECURRING_SOURCE": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_RECURRING_DEBITS": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_AUTOCREDIT": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_EXPORTED2DISTRIBUTOR": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_EFAKTURAISAVAILABLE": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_CHATUNREAD": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_QUEUED2SEND": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_SENT2INKASSO": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_FAILED2SEND": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_SENT2STRALFORS": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_SENT2TIETO": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_SWISH": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_AVRAKNAT": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_REGRESS": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_MONTHLYREPORTED": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_MULPURINFORMED": true, "INVOCE_FLAGS_QUEUED2CREATEPDF": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_CREDITCHECKPENDING": true, "INVOCE_FLAGS_BILLMATEAGREMENT": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_BILLMATEFEE": true, "INVOCE_FLAGS_QUEUED2AUTOCANCEL": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_BILLMATEFEECREDITTOBECHECKED": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_ISINDISTRIBUTORSLIST": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_QUEUEDPENDING2SEND": true, "INVOCE_FLAGS_REVIEW": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_STATUS_DUE": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_STATUS_COLLECTION": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_ISBOUGHT": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_ISREGRESSABLE": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_CREDIFLOW_EFAKTURA": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_CREDIFLOW_EFAKTURA_QUEUED": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_CREDIFLOW_EFAKTURA_SENT": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_INTEGRATION_ISEXPORTED": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_CONFIRMED_BY_ACTIVATION": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_PAYMENT_EXPORTED": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_PAUSED": false, "INVOCE_FLAGS_PAYMENTFLOW2": false, "isFactoring": true, "isService": false, "isDirect": false, "isOwnAgreement": false, "paymentmethod": "14Days" } ]

Create a new invoice

POST method/invoices

Create a new invoice

Request parameters

{ "PaymentData": { "method": "1", "paymentplanid": "", "currency": "SEK", "language": "sv", "country": "SE", "autoactivate": "0", "orderid": "P123456789TXXxX", "logo": "Logo2.jpg", "accepturl": "", "cancelurl": "", "callbackurl": "", "status": "Created", "paymentid_related": "", "url": "" }, "PaymentInfo": { "paymentdate": "Mon Aug 15 00:00:00 UTC 2022", "paymentterms": "14", "yourreference": "Purchaser X", "ourreference": "Seller Y", "projectname": "Project Z", "deliverymethod": "Post", "deliveryterms": "FOB", "autocredit": "false", "invoiceStatus": "", "balancedue": "231700" }, "Card": { "promptname": "", "3dsecure": "", "recurring": "", "recurringnr": "", "accepturl": "", "cancelurl": "", "returnmethod": "", "callbackurl": "" }, "Customer": { "nr": "12", "pno": "550101-1018", "Billing": { "firstname": "Testperson", "lastname": "Approved", "company": "Company", "street": "Teststreet", "street2": "Street2", "zip": "12345", "city": "Testcity", "country": "SE", "phone": "0712-345678", "email": "" }, "Shipping": { "firstname": "Testperson", "lastname": "Approved", "company": "Company", "street": "Teststreet", "street2": "Shipping Street2", "zip": "12345", "city": "Testcity", "country": "SE", "phone": "0711-345678" } }, "Articles": [ { "artnr": "A123", "title": "Article X", "quantity": "2", "aprice": "1234", "discount": "0", "withouttax": "2468", "taxrate": "25" } ], "Cart": { "Handling": { "withouttax": "1000", "taxrate": "25" }, "Shipping": { "withouttax": "3000", "taxrate": "25" }, "Total": { "withouttax": "185325", "tax": "46331", "rounding": "44", "withtax": "231700" } }, "apiLogsid": "386151", "apiVersion": "2.3.0", "apiClient": "OnlineBillmate.v2" }


{ "InvoiceResponse": { "number": "5816802", "orderid": "P123456789TXXxX", "url": "", "status": "example" } }

Get the number of matching invoices according to the supplied filters

GET method/invoices/count

Returns object with a count representing the number of invoices that matches the current filter.


{ "count": 7 }

Activate multiple invoices by invoiceNumber

POST method/invoices/activate

Activate multiple invoices

Request parameters

[ 1202237, 1202238, 1202239 ]



Cancel multiple invoices by invoiceNumber

POST method/invoices/cancel

Cancel an invoices

Request parameters

[ 1202237, 1202238, 1202239 ]



Credit multiple invoices by invoiceNumber

POST method/invoices/credit

Credit an invoices

Request parameters

[ 1202237, 1202238, 1202239 ]



Get data per service

GET method/invoices/statistics/services

Return data for services per currency


{ "SEK": { "total": 12321, "number": 906, "services": { "factoring": 1223, "service": 12, "direct": 1234, "ownagreement": { "card": 213, "bank": 1234, "swish": 2134 } } } }

Get data for not activated invoices

GET method/invoices/statistics/not-activted

Return data for not activated invoices per currency



Get data per payment method

GET method/invoices/statistics/paymentmethods

Return data for payment methods per currency



Get grouped data summed up per day and currency

GET method/invoices/statistics/groupedData

Returns data per day separated by currency



Find invoice by invoiceNumber

GET method/invoices/{invoiceNumber}

Returns an invoice

Request parameters


{ "PaymentData": { "method": "1", "paymentplanid": "", "currency": "SEK", "language": "sv", "country": "SE", "autoactivate": "0", "orderid": "P123456789TXXxX", "logo": "Logo2.jpg", "accepturl": "", "cancelurl": "", "callbackurl": "", "status": "Created", "paymentid_related": "", "url": "" }, "PaymentInfo": { "paymentdate": "Mon Aug 15 00:00:00 UTC 2022", "paymentterms": "14", "yourreference": "Purchaser X", "ourreference": "Seller Y", "projectname": "Project Z", "deliverymethod": "Post", "deliveryterms": "FOB", "autocredit": "false", "invoiceStatus": "", "balancedue": "231700" }, "Card": { "promptname": "", "3dsecure": "", "recurring": "", "recurringnr": "", "accepturl": "", "cancelurl": "", "returnmethod": "", "callbackurl": "" }, "Customer": { "nr": "12", "pno": "550101-1018", "Billing": { "firstname": "Testperson", "lastname": "Approved", "company": "Company", "street": "Teststreet", "street2": "Street2", "zip": "12345", "city": "Testcity", "country": "SE", "phone": "0712-345678", "email": "" }, "Shipping": { "firstname": "Testperson", "lastname": "Approved", "company": "Company", "street": "Teststreet", "street2": "Shipping Street2", "zip": "12345", "city": "Testcity", "country": "SE", "phone": "0711-345678" } }, "Articles": [ { "artnr": "A123", "title": "Article X", "quantity": "2", "aprice": "1234", "discount": "0", "withouttax": "2468", "taxrate": "25" } ], "Cart": { "Handling": { "withouttax": "1000", "taxrate": "25" }, "Shipping": { "withouttax": "3000", "taxrate": "25" }, "Total": { "withouttax": "185325", "tax": "46331", "rounding": "44", "withtax": "231700" } }, "apiLogsid": "386151", "apiVersion": "2.3.0", "apiClient": "OnlineBillmate.v2" }

Delete an invoice

DELETE method/invoices/{invoiceNumber}

Cancels the invoice rather than deletes it

Request parameters


{ "InvoiceResponse": { "number": "5816802", "orderid": "P123456789TXXxX", "url": "", "status": "example" } }

Update an existing invoice

PATCH method/invoices/{invoiceNumber}

Update an existing invoice by invoice number

Request parameters

{ "PaymentData": { "method": "1", "paymentplanid": "", "currency": "SEK", "language": "sv", "country": "SE", "autoactivate": "0", "orderid": "P123456789TXXxX", "logo": "Logo2.jpg", "accepturl": "", "cancelurl": "", "callbackurl": "", "status": "Created", "paymentid_related": "", "url": "" }, "PaymentInfo": { "paymentdate": "Mon Aug 15 00:00:00 UTC 2022", "paymentterms": "14", "yourreference": "Purchaser X", "ourreference": "Seller Y", "projectname": "Project Z", "deliverymethod": "Post", "deliveryterms": "FOB", "autocredit": "false", "invoiceStatus": "", "balancedue": "231700" }, "Card": { "promptname": "", "3dsecure": "", "recurring": "", "recurringnr": "", "accepturl": "", "cancelurl": "", "returnmethod": "", "callbackurl": "" }, "Customer": { "nr": "12", "pno": "550101-1018", "Billing": { "firstname": "Testperson", "lastname": "Approved", "company": "Company", "street": "Teststreet", "street2": "Street2", "zip": "12345", "city": "Testcity", "country": "SE", "phone": "0712-345678", "email": "" }, "Shipping": { "firstname": "Testperson", "lastname": "Approved", "company": "Company", "street": "Teststreet", "street2": "Shipping Street2", "zip": "12345", "city": "Testcity", "country": "SE", "phone": "0711-345678" } }, "Articles": [ { "artnr": "A123", "title": "Article X", "quantity": "2", "aprice": "1234", "discount": "0", "withouttax": "2468", "taxrate": "25" } ], "Cart": { "Handling": { "withouttax": "1000", "taxrate": "25" }, "Shipping": { "withouttax": "3000", "taxrate": "25" }, "Total": { "withouttax": "185325", "tax": "46331", "rounding": "44", "withtax": "231700" } }, "apiLogsid": "386151", "apiVersion": "2.3.0", "apiClient": "OnlineBillmate.v2" }


{ "InvoiceResponse": { "number": "5816802", "orderid": "P123456789TXXxX", "url": "", "status": "example" } }

Activate invoice by invoiceNumber

POST method/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/activate

Activate an invoice

Request parameters


{ "InvoiceResponse": { "number": "5816802", "orderid": "P123456789TXXxX", "url": "", "status": "example" } }

Cancel invoice by invoiceNumber

POST method/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/cancel

Cancel an invoice

Request parameters


{ "InvoiceResponse": { "number": "5816802", "orderid": "P123456789TXXxX", "url": "", "status": "example" } }

Get the info of the credited invoices that are credited from invoiceNumber

GET method/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/credit

Sends the info of the credited invoices

Request parameters


{ "creditInvoices": [ 31, 31 ], "creditInvoiceSum": 213 }

Credit invoice by invoiceNumber

POST method/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/credit

Credit an invoice

Request parameters


{ "InvoiceResponse": { "number": "5816802", "orderid": "P123456789TXXxX", "url": "", "status": "example" } }

Duplicate an invoice by invoiceNumber

POST method/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/duplicate

Duplicate an invoice

Request parameters


{ "InvoiceResponse": { "number": "5816802", "orderid": "P123456789TXXxX", "url": "", "status": "example" } }

Get the attachments of the invoice

GET method/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/attachments

Returns the attachments of the invoice of the merchant that owns the token

Request parameters


[ { "Key": "attachments/17882/111731/attachment.pdf", "LastModified": "2022-08-25T11:57:37.000Z", "ETag": "230f0015b0475438892862e564b8a8a7", "ChecksumAlgorithm": [ "SHA-1" ], "Size": 28846, "StorageClass": "STANDARD", "Owner": { "DisplayName": "amazonservices", "ID": "5062f1fec6ea6ca653f3063ab7131ad2f8b37503644b47cb0e6a93220106e791" } } ]

Post the attachment(s) to the invoice

POST method/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/attachments

Place a new attachment(s) in the attachments of the invoice of a Merchant

Request parameters


{ "Attachments": "sample.pdf,sample.1.pdf" }

Get the attachment

GET method/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/attachments/{fileName}

Returns the attachment

Request parameters


{ "AcceptRanges": "bytes", "LastModified": "2022-08-25T12:05:52.000Z", "ContentLength": 28846, "ETag": "230f0015b0475438892862e564b8a8a7", "ContentType": "application/octet-stream", "Metadata": {}, "Body": { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 10000 ] } }

Delete a logo

DELETE method/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/attachments/{fileName}

Removes a logo

Request parameters



Split an invoice by invoiceNumber

POST method/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/split

Split an invoice

Request parameters

{ "Articles": [ 1, 1 ], "Handling": true, "Shipping": true }


{ "InvoiceResponse": { "number": "5816802", "orderid": "P123456789TXXxX", "url": "", "status": "example" } }

Precheck an invoice(s) before activation

POST method/invoices/activate/precheck

Precheck an invoice(s)

Request parameters

[ 88154 ]


{ "88154": { "code": 1005, "message": "Orgnum is test. Not possible to activate a invoice with test social security number", "type": "error" } }

Get the languages

GET method/languages

Returns a list of languages


[ { "txtEnglish": "Swedish", "txtSwedish": "Svenska", "key": "sv" } ]

Get the merchant logos by mm3customersid

GET method/logos/{mm3customersid}

Returns the logos of the merchant

Request parameters


[ { "Paths": [ "logos/17882/test.png" ], "Contents": { "Key": "logos/17882/logo.png", "LastModified": "2022-08-25T11:57:37.000Z", "ETag": "230f0015b0475438892862e564b8a8a7", "ChecksumAlgorithm": [ "SHA-1" ], "Size": 28846, "StorageClass": "STANDARD", "Owner": { "DisplayName": "amazonservices", "ID": "5062f1fec6ea6ca653f3063ab7131ad2f8b37503644b47cb0e6a93220106e791" } } } ]

Post the merchant logo

POST method/logos/{mm3customersid}

Place a new logo in the logos of a Merchant

Request parameters


{ "ETag": "230f0015b0475438892862e564b8a8a7", "Location": "", "key": "logos/17882/logo.png", "Bucket": "test-billmate" }

Post the merchant logo

GET method/logos/{mm3customersid}/{fileName}

Place a new logo in the logos of a Merchant

Request parameters


Delete a logo

DELETE method/logos/{mm3customersid}/{fileName}

Removes a logo

Request parameters



Get the merchant

GET method/merchant

Returns the merchant that owns the token


{ "name": "Test-Name", "shortname": "Test-Short name", "official": 30, "username": "Test-Username", "password": "Test-password", "street": "Test-Street", "postalcode": "Test-Postal code", "city": "Test-City", "state": "Test-State", "country": "Test-Country", "switchboard": "Test-Switch board", "fax": "Test-Fax", "contactname": "Test-Contact name", "contactrole": "Test-Contact role", "contactdepartment": "Test-Contact department", "contactphone": "Test-Contact phone", "contactemail": "Test-Contact Email", "contactim": "Test-Contact im", "website": "Test-Website", "log": "Test-Log", "comment": "Test-Comment", "distributor": 31, "mm3customersid": 1, "mm3distributorsid": 2, "mm3servicesid_default": 3, "whitelabel": 4, "css": "Test-Css", "header": "Test-Header", "requestagreeterms": 5, "vatnumber": "Test-Vat number", "organizationnumber": "Test-Organization Number", "bankgiro": "Test-Bank Giro", "plusgiro": "Test-Plus Giro", "language": "Test-Language", "paymentmethod_default": "day", "defaultcredits": 6, "currency": "Test-Currency", "rebate_default": 7, "invoicingperiod": 8, "invoicingsince": "Test-Invoicing since", "perposition": "Test-Per position", "persms": "Test-Persms", "autoinvoice": 9, "accountemail": "Test-Account Email", "listorder_user": "Test-List order user", "listorder_vehicle": "Test-List order vehicle", "laUsersid": 10, "iban": "Test-Iban", "bic": "Test-BIC", "orderkey": "Test-Order key", "emails_copy_support": "Test-Email copy support", "admincomments": "Test-Admin comments", "customerid_connected": "Test-Customer id connected", "roundingsetting": 11, "decimalsetting": "Test-Decimal settings", "ftpserver": "Test-Ftp server", "ftpusername": "Test-Ftp username", "ftppassword": "Test-Ftp password", "iscommercial": 12, "registeredoffice": "Test-Registered office", "approvedforfskat": 13, "articledbs": "Test-Article dbs", "storename": "Test-Store name", "storeurl": "Test-Store url", "storeusername": "Test-Store user name", "storepassword": "Test-Store password", "pluginname": "Test-Plugin name", "creditchecktype": "Test-Credit check type", "creditcard_fee": "Test-Credit card fee", "creditcard_percentage": "Test-Credit card percentage", "bank_fee": "Test-Bank fee", "bank_percentage": "Test-Bank percentage", "factoring_fee": "Test-Factoring fee", "factoring_percentage": "Test-Factoring percentage", "partpayment_fee": "Test-Part payment fee", "partpayment_percentage": "Test-Part payment percentage", "service_fee": "Test-Service fee", "service_percentage": "Test-Service percentage", "swish_fee": "Test-Swish fee", "swish_percentage": "Test-Swish percentage", "billmate_simple_enabled": 14, "alarm_checkinterval": "Test-Alarm check interval", "alarm_checkrange": "Test-Alarm check range", "json": "Test-Json", "timezone": "Test-Time zone", "lastuseragent": "Test-Last user agent", "riskzone": 15, "riskzone_other": 16, "notification_neworder_email": "Test-Notification new order email", "notification_pending_email": "Test-Notification pending email", "notification_avrakning_email": "Test-Notification avrakning email", "notification_email": "Test-Notification Email", "first_invoicedate": "Test-First Invoice Date", "first_testinvoicedate": "Test-First test invoice date", "first_apilogdate": "Test-First api log date", "total_payout": 17, "agreedterms": 18, "onboarded_complete": 19, "onboarded_initdate": "Onboarded init date", "offers_enabled": 20, "orders_enabled": 21, "contract_invoices_enabled": 22, "import_invoices_enabled": 23, "export_invoices_enabled": 24, "logos": "Test-Logos", "creditcard_consumer_feeid": 25, "factoring_consumer_feeid": 26, "partpayment_consumer_feeid": 27, "service_consumer_feeid": 28, "swish_consumer_feeid": 29 }

Patch the merchant

PATCH method/merchant

Updates the merchant that owns the token

Request parameters

{ "name": "Test-Name", "shortname": "Test-Short name", "official": 30, "username": "Test-Username", "password": "Test-password", "street": "Test-Street", "postalcode": "Test-Postal code", "city": "Test-City", "state": "Test-State", "country": "Test-Country", "switchboard": "Test-Switch board", "fax": "Test-Fax", "contactname": "Test-Contact name", "contactrole": "Test-Contact role", "contactdepartment": "Test-Contact department", "contactphone": "Test-Contact phone", "contactemail": "Test-Contact Email", "contactim": "Test-Contact im", "website": "Test-Website", "log": "Test-Log", "comment": "Test-Comment", "distributor": 31, "mm3customersid": 1, "mm3distributorsid": 2, "mm3servicesid_default": 3, "whitelabel": 4, "css": "Test-Css", "header": "Test-Header", "requestagreeterms": 5, "vatnumber": "Test-Vat number", "organizationnumber": "Test-Organization Number", "bankgiro": "Test-Bank Giro", "plusgiro": "Test-Plus Giro", "language": "Test-Language", "paymentmethod_default": "day", "defaultcredits": 6, "currency": "Test-Currency", "rebate_default": 7, "invoicingperiod": 8, "invoicingsince": "Test-Invoicing since", "perposition": "Test-Per position", "persms": "Test-Persms", "autoinvoice": 9, "accountemail": "Test-Account Email", "listorder_user": "Test-List order user", "listorder_vehicle": "Test-List order vehicle", "laUsersid": 10, "iban": "Test-Iban", "bic": "Test-BIC", "orderkey": "Test-Order key", "emails_copy_support": "Test-Email copy support", "admincomments": "Test-Admin comments", "customerid_connected": "Test-Customer id connected", "roundingsetting": 11, "decimalsetting": "Test-Decimal settings", "ftpserver": "Test-Ftp server", "ftpusername": "Test-Ftp username", "ftppassword": "Test-Ftp password", "iscommercial": 12, "registeredoffice": "Test-Registered office", "approvedforfskat": 13, "articledbs": "Test-Article dbs", "storename": "Test-Store name", "storeurl": "Test-Store url", "storeusername": "Test-Store user name", "storepassword": "Test-Store password", "pluginname": "Test-Plugin name", "creditchecktype": "Test-Credit check type", "creditcard_fee": "Test-Credit card fee", "creditcard_percentage": "Test-Credit card percentage", "bank_fee": "Test-Bank fee", "bank_percentage": "Test-Bank percentage", "factoring_fee": "Test-Factoring fee", "factoring_percentage": "Test-Factoring percentage", "partpayment_fee": "Test-Part payment fee", "partpayment_percentage": "Test-Part payment percentage", "service_fee": "Test-Service fee", "service_percentage": "Test-Service percentage", "swish_fee": "Test-Swish fee", "swish_percentage": "Test-Swish percentage", "billmate_simple_enabled": 14, "alarm_checkinterval": "Test-Alarm check interval", "alarm_checkrange": "Test-Alarm check range", "json": "Test-Json", "timezone": "Test-Time zone", "lastuseragent": "Test-Last user agent", "riskzone": 15, "riskzone_other": 16, "notification_neworder_email": "Test-Notification new order email", "notification_pending_email": "Test-Notification pending email", "notification_avrakning_email": "Test-Notification avrakning email", "notification_email": "Test-Notification Email", "first_invoicedate": "Test-First Invoice Date", "first_testinvoicedate": "Test-First test invoice date", "first_apilogdate": "Test-First api log date", "total_payout": 17, "agreedterms": 18, "onboarded_complete": 19, "onboarded_initdate": "Onboarded init date", "offers_enabled": 20, "orders_enabled": 21, "contract_invoices_enabled": 22, "import_invoices_enabled": 23, "export_invoices_enabled": 24, "logos": "Test-Logos", "creditcard_consumer_feeid": 25, "factoring_consumer_feeid": 26, "partpayment_consumer_feeid": 27, "service_consumer_feeid": 28, "swish_consumer_feeid": 29 }


{ "name": "Test-Name", "shortname": "Test-Short name", "official": 30, "username": "Test-Username", "password": "Test-password", "street": "Test-Street", "postalcode": "Test-Postal code", "city": "Test-City", "state": "Test-State", "country": "Test-Country", "switchboard": "Test-Switch board", "fax": "Test-Fax", "contactname": "Test-Contact name", "contactrole": "Test-Contact role", "contactdepartment": "Test-Contact department", "contactphone": "Test-Contact phone", "contactemail": "Test-Contact Email", "contactim": "Test-Contact im", "website": "Test-Website", "log": "Test-Log", "comment": "Test-Comment", "distributor": 31, "mm3customersid": 1, "mm3distributorsid": 2, "mm3servicesid_default": 3, "whitelabel": 4, "css": "Test-Css", "header": "Test-Header", "requestagreeterms": 5, "vatnumber": "Test-Vat number", "organizationnumber": "Test-Organization Number", "bankgiro": "Test-Bank Giro", "plusgiro": "Test-Plus Giro", "language": "Test-Language", "paymentmethod_default": "day", "defaultcredits": 6, "currency": "Test-Currency", "rebate_default": 7, "invoicingperiod": 8, "invoicingsince": "Test-Invoicing since", "perposition": "Test-Per position", "persms": "Test-Persms", "autoinvoice": 9, "accountemail": "Test-Account Email", "listorder_user": "Test-List order user", "listorder_vehicle": "Test-List order vehicle", "laUsersid": 10, "iban": "Test-Iban", "bic": "Test-BIC", "orderkey": "Test-Order key", "emails_copy_support": "Test-Email copy support", "admincomments": "Test-Admin comments", "customerid_connected": "Test-Customer id connected", "roundingsetting": 11, "decimalsetting": "Test-Decimal settings", "ftpserver": "Test-Ftp server", "ftpusername": "Test-Ftp username", "ftppassword": "Test-Ftp password", "iscommercial": 12, "registeredoffice": "Test-Registered office", "approvedforfskat": 13, "articledbs": "Test-Article dbs", "storename": "Test-Store name", "storeurl": "Test-Store url", "storeusername": "Test-Store user name", "storepassword": "Test-Store password", "pluginname": "Test-Plugin name", "creditchecktype": "Test-Credit check type", "creditcard_fee": "Test-Credit card fee", "creditcard_percentage": "Test-Credit card percentage", "bank_fee": "Test-Bank fee", "bank_percentage": "Test-Bank percentage", "factoring_fee": "Test-Factoring fee", "factoring_percentage": "Test-Factoring percentage", "partpayment_fee": "Test-Part payment fee", "partpayment_percentage": "Test-Part payment percentage", "service_fee": "Test-Service fee", "service_percentage": "Test-Service percentage", "swish_fee": "Test-Swish fee", "swish_percentage": "Test-Swish percentage", "billmate_simple_enabled": 14, "alarm_checkinterval": "Test-Alarm check interval", "alarm_checkrange": "Test-Alarm check range", "json": "Test-Json", "timezone": "Test-Time zone", "lastuseragent": "Test-Last user agent", "riskzone": 15, "riskzone_other": 16, "notification_neworder_email": "Test-Notification new order email", "notification_pending_email": "Test-Notification pending email", "notification_avrakning_email": "Test-Notification avrakning email", "notification_email": "Test-Notification Email", "first_invoicedate": "Test-First Invoice Date", "first_testinvoicedate": "Test-First test invoice date", "first_apilogdate": "Test-First api log date", "total_payout": 17, "agreedterms": 18, "onboarded_complete": 19, "onboarded_initdate": "Onboarded init date", "offers_enabled": 20, "orders_enabled": 21, "contract_invoices_enabled": 22, "import_invoices_enabled": 23, "export_invoices_enabled": 24, "logos": "Test-Logos", "creditcard_consumer_feeid": 25, "factoring_consumer_feeid": 26, "partpayment_consumer_feeid": 27, "service_consumer_feeid": 28, "swish_consumer_feeid": 29 }

Get the api logs of the merchant

GET method/merchant/api-logs

Returns the api logs of the merchant that owns the token


{ "apiLogsid": 1, "eid": 2, "version": "Test-Version", "client": "Test-Client", "class": "Test-Class", "function": "Test-Function", "method": "Test-Method", "params": { "CheckoutData": { "companyView": false, "showPhoneOnDelivery": false, "paymenttermsPrivate": "14", "paymenttermsCompany": "30", "billingPhoneMandatory": true, "terms": "", "privacyPolicy": "", "easy": false, "redirectOnSuccess": true, "hideShippingAddress": false }, "PaymentData": { "currency": "SEK", "language": "sv", "country": "SE", "orderid": "1579169987-277", "returnmethod": "GET", "accepturl": "", "cancelurl": "", "callbackurl": "" }, "Articles": { "artnr": "A123", "title": "Article 1 åäö ' / & \\\\", "quantity": "1", "aprice": 80, "taxrate": "25", "discount": "0", "withouttax": 80 }, "Cart": { "Total": { "withouttax": 80, "tax": 3, "withtax": 100, "rounding": 0 }, "Handling": { "taxrate": "25", "withouttax": "0" } } }, "pno": "Test-Pno", "hash": "Test-Hash", "response": { "credentials": { "hash": "cea4c1a400835fa91e8522cd6f93ebec75beb4fdea629541c456dd917012349e950ffd3fa217bc6aa78e66725f71551a80f52edca8cf7d538f6324669ad5e7e2", "logid": 771 }, "data": { "number": "445", "status": "WaitingForPurchase", "orderid": "1579169987-277", "url": "" } }, "datetime": "Test-Date time", "extralogs": "Test-Extra logs", "updatedtime": "Test-Updated time", "exception": 3, "test": 4, "useragent": { "HTTPS": "true", "SSL_TLS_SNI": "", "HTTP_HOST": "", "HTTP_CONNECTION": "keep-alive", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "945,", "HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL": "max-age=0", "HTTP_ORIGIN": "", "HTTP_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS": "1", "CONTENT_TYPE": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "HTTP_USER_AGENT": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.88 Safari/537.36", "HTTP_SEC_FETCH_USER": "?1", "HTTP_ACCEPT": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9", "HTTP_SEC_FETCH_SITE": "same-origin", "HTTP_SEC_FETCH_MODE": "navigate", "HTTP_REFERER": "", "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING": "gzip, deflate, br", "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE": "en-GB,en;q=0.9,sv-SE;q=0.8,sv;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6", "HTTP_COOKIE": "_ga=GA1.2.1397747754.1571980309; _hjid=58f1068a-5e84-47f9-8b46-21ecaf78b46f; _fbp=fb.1.1571981954632.1960414650; __zlcmid=uwidZGq8QCHf3Q; _gid=GA1.2.1573803628.1578921186; PHPSESSID=u0cnde0e7ncb1bp2l73n91n9n6; _gat=1", "PATH": "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/aws/bin", "SERVER_SIGNATURE": "Apache/2.2.34 (Amazon) Server at Port 443\\n", "SERVER_SOFTWARE": "Apache/2.2.34 (Amazon)", "SERVER_NAME": "", "SERVER_ADDR": "", "SERVER_PORT": "443", "REMOTE_ADDR": "", "DOCUMENT_ROOT": "/var/www/checkout", "SERVER_ADMIN": "yuksel@billmate", "SCRIPT_FILENAME": "/var/www/checkout/test.php", "REMOTE_PORT": "52255", "GATEWAY_INTERFACE": "CGI/1.1", "SERVER_PROTOCOL": "HTTP/1.1", "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "QUERY_STRING": "", "REQUEST_URI": "/test.php", "SCRIPT_NAME": "/test.php", "PHP_SELF": "/test.php", "REQUEST_TIME": 1579169987 }, "duration_client": 5, "duration_server": 6, "language": "Test-Language", "host": "Test-Host" }

Get the number of matching api-logs according to the supplied filters

GET method/merchant/api-logs/count

Returns object with a count representing the number of api-logs that matches the current filter.


{ "count": 7 }

Get the api calbacks of the merchant

GET method/merchant/api-callbacks

Returns the api callbacks of the merchant that owns the token


{ "apiCallbacksid": "1", "eid": 17882, "version": "2.1.6", "orderid_real": "P1234567891581073915", "createdtime": "2020-02-07T10:13:05.000Z", "url": "", "request": { "credentials": { "hash": "6bf77df645fc8bf761fa4791019681c27d6df08ddb93011aecd1de287951caedd1c87dd8450a59e878b094502e396c133efc4f46ceec4c6520f987927c7c3263" }, "data": { "number": "810652", "status": "Paid", "url": "", "orderid": "P1234567891581073915", "carddata": { "maskedcardno": "476173******0416", "cardholdername": "CARDHOLDER", "bin": "21591", "expirymonth": "12", "expiryyear": "2022" } } }, "response": "example", "nbroffails": 0, "nextcall": "2020-02-07T10:13:05.000Z", "success": 0, "return_method": "GET" }

Get the number of matching api-callbacks according to the supplied filters

GET method/merchant/api-callbacks/count

Returns object with a count representing the number of api-callbacks that matches the current filter.


{ "count": 7 }

Get the api information of the merchant

GET method/merchant/api-informations

Returns the api information of the merchant that owns the token


{ "id": "17882", "secret": "165964686216" }

Get the merchant invoice settings

GET method/merchant/invoice-settings

Returns the invoice settings of merchant that owns the token


{ "mexcCustomerincoiceservicesettingsid": 1, "mm3servicesid": 2, "mexcModulesid": 3, "listorder": "Test-List order", "filterorder": "Test-Filter order", "emails": "Test-Emails", "defaultinterest": "Test-Default interest", "defaultpaymentterms": 4, "defaultpaymentterms_company": 5, "defaulttax": "Test-Defaul tax", "defaulttax_shipping": "Test-Default tax shipping", "defaulttax_handling": "Test-Default tax handling", "defaulthousework": 6, "nextinvoiceid": 7, "reversetax": 8, "sender": "Test-Sender", "senderemail": "Test-Sender Email", "msgemail": "Test-Msge mail", "msgemail_en": "Test-Mesge mail end", "msgemail_no": "Test-Msge email no", "msgemail_da": "Test-Msge email da", "freetext": "Test-Free text", "remindermsgemail": "Test-Reminder msge mail", "remindermsgemail_en": "Test-Reminder msge mail en", "remindermsgemail_no": "Test-Reminder msge mail no", "remindermsgemail_da": "Test-Reminder msge mail da", "servicefee": "Test-Service fee", "xmlexporttype": "Test-Xml export type", "defaultfreight": "Test-Default freight", "ocrenabled": 9, "roundingenabled": 10, "defaultreminderfee": "Test-Default reminder fee", "defaultreminderfee_company": "Test-Default reminder fee company", "defaultdaterange": "Test-Default date range", "roundingsetting": 11, "credit": 12, "creditpermonth": 13, "creditagreed": 14, "creditextra": 15, "pdfasattachment": 16, "fortnox2accesstoken": "Test-Fortnox to access token", "fortnoxtoken": "Test-Fortnox token", "fortnoxdb": "Test-Fortnox db", "fortnoxtoken_pricecode": "Test-Fortnox token price code", "fortnoxdatetime": "Test-Fortnox date time", "SIE4iSetting": "Test-SIE4i setting", "SIE4iLastupdate": "Test-SIE4i last update", "showeasy": 17, "showdelivery": 18, "showwithtax": 19, "showfakturaservice": 20, "showfakturakop": 21, "showdelbetalning": 22, "showcard": 23, "showbank": 24, "showcash": 25, "showcheckout": 26, "showswish": 27, "emailtemplate": "Test-Email template", "remindoverdue": 28, "vatrates": "Test-Vat rates", "owntaxrate": "Test-Own tax rate", "notifystoreowner": 29, "notifywithsms": 30, "sendautoreminder": 31, "disableemail": 32, "disableemail_service": 33, "disableemailcheckforapi": 34, "enabledifferentaddress": 35, "enableautofetchaddress": 36, "enablecheckoutcardrecurring": 37, "enablerequirephonenumber": 38, "enablepricelistapi": 39, "taxdisabled": 40, "reportcolumns": "Test-Repot columns", "billmate_trustly_username": "Test-Billmate trustly username", "billmate_trustly_password": "Test-Billmate trustly password", "autoreminder": "Test-Auto reminder", "force2usebankid": 41, "decimalseparator": "Test-Decimal seperator", "thousandseparator": "Test-Thousand seperator", "servicefee_title": "Test-Service fee title", "yourorder_title": "Test-Your order title", "card_info": "Test-Card info", "multiplepurchasealarm": 42, "custompaymentmethods": "Test-Custom payment methods", "apricewithtax": 43, "swish_number": "Test-Swish number", "swish_expirydate": "Test-Swish expiry date", "checkout_proceedwithpno": 44, "force18years": 45, "checkout_available_customertypes": "Test-Checkout available customer types", "import_method": "Test-Import method", "paymentterms90enabled": 46, "paymentterms15enabled": 47, "paymentterms74enabled": 48, "locknameforshipping": 49, "showcard_quickpayment": 50, "paymentterms120enabled": 51, "swedbankpayMerchantId": "Test-Swed bank pay merchant id", "swedbankpayMerchantToken": "Test-Swed bank pay Merchant token", "agreement_automation": 52, "enableautoactivation": 53, "autoaction_status": 54, "companySigning": 55, "showseamless": 57, "showPf2Fee": 58, "enableparkright": 59, "parkright_endpoint": "Test-Park right endpoint", "parkright_username": "Test-Park right username", "parkright_password": "Test-Park right password", "parkright_accepturl": "Test-Park right accept url", "parkright_cancelurl": "Test-Park right cancel url", "parkright_callbackurl": "Test-Park right callback url" }

Patch the merchant invoice settings

PATCH method/merchant/invoice-settings

Updates the invoice settings of merchant that owns the token

Request parameters

{ "mexcCustomerincoiceservicesettingsid": 1, "mm3servicesid": 2, "mexcModulesid": 3, "listorder": "Test-List order", "filterorder": "Test-Filter order", "emails": "Test-Emails", "defaultinterest": "Test-Default interest", "defaultpaymentterms": 4, "defaultpaymentterms_company": 5, "defaulttax": "Test-Defaul tax", "defaulttax_shipping": "Test-Default tax shipping", "defaulttax_handling": "Test-Default tax handling", "defaulthousework": 6, "nextinvoiceid": 7, "reversetax": 8, "sender": "Test-Sender", "senderemail": "Test-Sender Email", "msgemail": "Test-Msge mail", "msgemail_en": "Test-Mesge mail end", "msgemail_no": "Test-Msge email no", "msgemail_da": "Test-Msge email da", "freetext": "Test-Free text", "remindermsgemail": "Test-Reminder msge mail", "remindermsgemail_en": "Test-Reminder msge mail en", "remindermsgemail_no": "Test-Reminder msge mail no", "remindermsgemail_da": "Test-Reminder msge mail da", "servicefee": "Test-Service fee", "xmlexporttype": "Test-Xml export type", "defaultfreight": "Test-Default freight", "ocrenabled": 9, "roundingenabled": 10, "defaultreminderfee": "Test-Default reminder fee", "defaultreminderfee_company": "Test-Default reminder fee company", "defaultdaterange": "Test-Default date range", "roundingsetting": 11, "credit": 12, "creditpermonth": 13, "creditagreed": 14, "creditextra": 15, "pdfasattachment": 16, "fortnox2accesstoken": "Test-Fortnox to access token", "fortnoxtoken": "Test-Fortnox token", "fortnoxdb": "Test-Fortnox db", "fortnoxtoken_pricecode": "Test-Fortnox token price code", "fortnoxdatetime": "Test-Fortnox date time", "SIE4iSetting": "Test-SIE4i setting", "SIE4iLastupdate": "Test-SIE4i last update", "showeasy": 17, "showdelivery": 18, "showwithtax": 19, "showfakturaservice": 20, "showfakturakop": 21, "showdelbetalning": 22, "showcard": 23, "showbank": 24, "showcash": 25, "showcheckout": 26, "showswish": 27, "emailtemplate": "Test-Email template", "remindoverdue": 28, "vatrates": "Test-Vat rates", "owntaxrate": "Test-Own tax rate", "notifystoreowner": 29, "notifywithsms": 30, "sendautoreminder": 31, "disableemail": 32, "disableemail_service": 33, "disableemailcheckforapi": 34, "enabledifferentaddress": 35, "enableautofetchaddress": 36, "enablecheckoutcardrecurring": 37, "enablerequirephonenumber": 38, "enablepricelistapi": 39, "taxdisabled": 40, "reportcolumns": "Test-Repot columns", "billmate_trustly_username": "Test-Billmate trustly username", "billmate_trustly_password": "Test-Billmate trustly password", "autoreminder": "Test-Auto reminder", "force2usebankid": 41, "decimalseparator": "Test-Decimal seperator", "thousandseparator": "Test-Thousand seperator", "servicefee_title": "Test-Service fee title", "yourorder_title": "Test-Your order title", "card_info": "Test-Card info", "multiplepurchasealarm": 42, "custompaymentmethods": "Test-Custom payment methods", "apricewithtax": 43, "swish_number": "Test-Swish number", "swish_expirydate": "Test-Swish expiry date", "checkout_proceedwithpno": 44, "force18years": 45, "checkout_available_customertypes": "Test-Checkout available customer types", "import_method": "Test-Import method", "paymentterms90enabled": 46, "paymentterms15enabled": 47, "paymentterms74enabled": 48, "locknameforshipping": 49, "showcard_quickpayment": 50, "paymentterms120enabled": 51, "swedbankpayMerchantId": "Test-Swed bank pay merchant id", "swedbankpayMerchantToken": "Test-Swed bank pay Merchant token", "agreement_automation": 52, "enableautoactivation": 53, "autoaction_status": 54, "companySigning": 55, "showseamless": 57, "showPf2Fee": 58, "enableparkright": 59, "parkright_endpoint": "Test-Park right endpoint", "parkright_username": "Test-Park right username", "parkright_password": "Test-Park right password", "parkright_accepturl": "Test-Park right accept url", "parkright_cancelurl": "Test-Park right cancel url", "parkright_callbackurl": "Test-Park right callback url" }


{ "mexcCustomerincoiceservicesettingsid": 1, "mm3servicesid": 2, "mexcModulesid": 3, "listorder": "Test-List order", "filterorder": "Test-Filter order", "emails": "Test-Emails", "defaultinterest": "Test-Default interest", "defaultpaymentterms": 4, "defaultpaymentterms_company": 5, "defaulttax": "Test-Defaul tax", "defaulttax_shipping": "Test-Default tax shipping", "defaulttax_handling": "Test-Default tax handling", "defaulthousework": 6, "nextinvoiceid": 7, "reversetax": 8, "sender": "Test-Sender", "senderemail": "Test-Sender Email", "msgemail": "Test-Msge mail", "msgemail_en": "Test-Mesge mail end", "msgemail_no": "Test-Msge email no", "msgemail_da": "Test-Msge email da", "freetext": "Test-Free text", "remindermsgemail": "Test-Reminder msge mail", "remindermsgemail_en": "Test-Reminder msge mail en", "remindermsgemail_no": "Test-Reminder msge mail no", "remindermsgemail_da": "Test-Reminder msge mail da", "servicefee": "Test-Service fee", "xmlexporttype": "Test-Xml export type", "defaultfreight": "Test-Default freight", "ocrenabled": 9, "roundingenabled": 10, "defaultreminderfee": "Test-Default reminder fee", "defaultreminderfee_company": "Test-Default reminder fee company", "defaultdaterange": "Test-Default date range", "roundingsetting": 11, "credit": 12, "creditpermonth": 13, "creditagreed": 14, "creditextra": 15, "pdfasattachment": 16, "fortnox2accesstoken": "Test-Fortnox to access token", "fortnoxtoken": "Test-Fortnox token", "fortnoxdb": "Test-Fortnox db", "fortnoxtoken_pricecode": "Test-Fortnox token price code", "fortnoxdatetime": "Test-Fortnox date time", "SIE4iSetting": "Test-SIE4i setting", "SIE4iLastupdate": "Test-SIE4i last update", "showeasy": 17, "showdelivery": 18, "showwithtax": 19, "showfakturaservice": 20, "showfakturakop": 21, "showdelbetalning": 22, "showcard": 23, "showbank": 24, "showcash": 25, "showcheckout": 26, "showswish": 27, "emailtemplate": "Test-Email template", "remindoverdue": 28, "vatrates": "Test-Vat rates", "owntaxrate": "Test-Own tax rate", "notifystoreowner": 29, "notifywithsms": 30, "sendautoreminder": 31, "disableemail": 32, "disableemail_service": 33, "disableemailcheckforapi": 34, "enabledifferentaddress": 35, "enableautofetchaddress": 36, "enablecheckoutcardrecurring": 37, "enablerequirephonenumber": 38, "enablepricelistapi": 39, "taxdisabled": 40, "reportcolumns": "Test-Repot columns", "billmate_trustly_username": "Test-Billmate trustly username", "billmate_trustly_password": "Test-Billmate trustly password", "autoreminder": "Test-Auto reminder", "force2usebankid": 41, "decimalseparator": "Test-Decimal seperator", "thousandseparator": "Test-Thousand seperator", "servicefee_title": "Test-Service fee title", "yourorder_title": "Test-Your order title", "card_info": "Test-Card info", "multiplepurchasealarm": 42, "custompaymentmethods": "Test-Custom payment methods", "apricewithtax": 43, "swish_number": "Test-Swish number", "swish_expirydate": "Test-Swish expiry date", "checkout_proceedwithpno": 44, "force18years": 45, "checkout_available_customertypes": "Test-Checkout available customer types", "import_method": "Test-Import method", "paymentterms90enabled": 46, "paymentterms15enabled": 47, "paymentterms74enabled": 48, "locknameforshipping": 49, "showcard_quickpayment": 50, "paymentterms120enabled": 51, "swedbankpayMerchantId": "Test-Swed bank pay merchant id", "swedbankpayMerchantToken": "Test-Swed bank pay Merchant token", "agreement_automation": 52, "enableautoactivation": 53, "autoaction_status": 54, "companySigning": 55, "showseamless": 57, "showPf2Fee": 58, "enableparkright": 59, "parkright_endpoint": "Test-Park right endpoint", "parkright_username": "Test-Park right username", "parkright_password": "Test-Park right password", "parkright_accepturl": "Test-Park right accept url", "parkright_cancelurl": "Test-Park right cancel url", "parkright_callbackurl": "Test-Park right callback url" }

Register a customer with company name, organization number, contact name, customer email and telephone

POST method/register/customer

Registers a customer with company name, organization number, contact name, customer email and telephone

Request parameters

{ "companyName": "Test-Company Name", "orgnum": "Test-Organization number", "contactName": "Test-Contact name", "customerEmail": "Test-Customer email", "telephone": "Test-Telephone", "optional": "Test-Optional Field" }


Get the reports of a merchant

GET method/reports

Returns a list of reports of a merchant


[ { "mexcCustomerjournalsid": 146647, "type": "Month", "journalid": 1, "mexcModulesid": 46862, "mm3servicesid": 16596, "mexcCustomerinvoicesids": "2130361,2130487,2130496", "json": "{\"SEK\":{\"taxes\":{\"0\":0,\"25\":11.4},\"totals\":{\"0\":6,\"25\":45.6},\"totalnet\":51.6,\"totaltax\":11.4,\"totalreduction\":0,\"total\":63,\"topay\":63,\"rounding\":0,\"invoiceid_real\":\"\",\"invoicedate\":\"SUMMA\"}}", "filename": "135895340050fffbb1de7b0.pdf", "createddate": "2018-05-30T22:00:00.000Z", "timestamp": "2018-05-30T22:00:00.000Z" } ]

Get the number of matching reports according to the supplied filters

GET method/reports/count

Returns object with a count representing the number of reports that matches the current filter.


{ "count": 7 }

Find report by mexcCustomerjournalsid

GET method/reports/{mexcCustomerjournalsid}

Returns a single report

Request parameters


Get the settlement report list

GET method/reports/settlements

Returns the list of the settlement reports


{ "count": 1, "contents": [ { "Key": "123-2023-12-23.pdf", "settlementDate": "2023-12-23", "settlementId": 123, "count": 2, "total": 250, "types": "Purchase", "LastModified": "2022-08-25T11:57:37.000Z" } ] }

Get the settlement report

GET method/reports/settlements/{settlementId}

Returns the settlement reports

Request parameters


[ { "invoiceno": "654321", "orderno": "123456", "invoicedate": "2023-12-24", "customername": "Nisse Hult", "amount": null, "fee": null, "type": "Paid", "paidInCapital": null } ]

Get the available dates for settlement reports

GET method/reports/settlements/dates

Returns the dated for settlement reports


{ "count": 5, "contents": [ { "settlementDate": "2023-12-02" }, { "settlementDate": "2023-12-09" }, { "settlementDate": "2023-12-16" }, { "settlementDate": "2023-12-23" }, { "settlementDate": "2023-12-30" } ] }

Export the settlement report in CSV format

GET method/reports/settlements/{settlementId}/export/csv

Returns the settlement reports in CSV format

Request parameters


Export the settlement report in XML format

GET method/reports/settlements/{settlementId}/export/xml

Returns the settlement reports in XML format

Request parameters


Export the settlement report as a PDF

GET method/reports/settlements/{settlementId}/export/pdf

Returns the settlement reports as a PDF. This is the standard report that is generated by the system.

Request parameters


Get the statistics of reports weekly

GET method/reports/statistics/weekly

Returns the statistics weekly


[ { "week": 27, "total": 2312312.5 } ]

Get the statistics of reports monthly

GET method/reports/statistics/monthly

Returns the statistics monthly


{ "2022": [ { "month": 2, "total": 2312312.5 } ] }

Get the users of a merchant

GET method/users

Returns a list of users of a merchant

Request parameters


[ { "name": "Test-Name", "phonenumber": "Test-Phone integer", "email": "Test-Email", "username": "Test-Username", "password_old": "Test-Password old", "password_hashed": "Test-Password hashed", "company": "Test-Company", "street": "Test-Street", "postalcode": "Test-Postal code", "city": "Test-City", "country": "Test-Country", "mm3userrolesid": 0, "department": "Test-Department", "confirmationcode": "Test-Confirmation code", "smscode": "Test-Sms code", "createtime": "Test-Create time", "logintime": "Test-Login time", "activated": 0, "mm3customersid": 1000, "access_admin": 0, "mm3useraccountsid": 1000, "access_superadmin": 0, "access_distributor": 0, "access_external": 0, "mexcRolesid": 2, "access_level": 0, "mm3usersid": 1000, "agreedterms": 0, "mexcVehiclesid": 0, "phonenumber2": "Test-Phone integer 2", "lastlogin": "Test-Last login", "lastactivity": "Test-Last activity", "pushTokens": "Test-Push Tokens", "pushBadge": 0, "ownerPno": "Test-Owner pno" } ]

Place a user for a Merchant

POST method/users

Place a new user in the customers of a Merchant

Request parameters

{ "User": { "name": "Test-Name", "phonenumber": "Test-Phone integer", "email": "Test-Email", "username": "Test-Username", "password_old": "Test-Password old", "password_hashed": "Test-Password hashed", "company": "Test-Company", "street": "Test-Street", "postalcode": "Test-Postal code", "city": "Test-City", "country": "Test-Country", "mm3userrolesid": 0, "department": "Test-Department", "confirmationcode": "Test-Confirmation code", "smscode": "Test-Sms code", "createtime": "Test-Create time", "logintime": "Test-Login time", "activated": 0, "mm3customersid": 1000, "access_admin": 0, "mm3useraccountsid": 1000, "access_superadmin": 0, "access_distributor": 0, "access_external": 0, "mexcRolesid": 2, "access_level": 0, "mm3usersid": 1000, "agreedterms": 0, "mexcVehiclesid": 0, "phonenumber2": "Test-Phone integer 2", "lastlogin": "Test-Last login", "lastactivity": "Test-Last activity", "pushTokens": "Test-Push Tokens", "pushBadge": 0, "ownerPno": "Test-Owner pno" } }


{ "name": "Test-Name", "phonenumber": "Test-Phone integer", "email": "Test-Email", "username": "Test-Username", "password_old": "Test-Password old", "password_hashed": "Test-Password hashed", "company": "Test-Company", "street": "Test-Street", "postalcode": "Test-Postal code", "city": "Test-City", "country": "Test-Country", "mm3userrolesid": 0, "department": "Test-Department", "confirmationcode": "Test-Confirmation code", "smscode": "Test-Sms code", "createtime": "Test-Create time", "logintime": "Test-Login time", "activated": 0, "mm3customersid": 1000, "access_admin": 0, "mm3useraccountsid": 1000, "access_superadmin": 0, "access_distributor": 0, "access_external": 0, "mexcRolesid": 2, "access_level": 0, "mm3usersid": 1000, "agreedterms": 0, "mexcVehiclesid": 0, "phonenumber2": "Test-Phone integer 2", "lastlogin": "Test-Last login", "lastactivity": "Test-Last activity", "pushTokens": "Test-Push Tokens", "pushBadge": 0, "ownerPno": "Test-Owner pno" }

Find user by mm3useraccountsid

GET method/users/{mm3useraccountsid}

Returns a single user

Request parameters


{ "name": "Test-Name", "phonenumber": "Test-Phone integer", "email": "Test-Email", "username": "Test-Username", "password_old": "Test-Password old", "password_hashed": "Test-Password hashed", "company": "Test-Company", "street": "Test-Street", "postalcode": "Test-Postal code", "city": "Test-City", "country": "Test-Country", "mm3userrolesid": 0, "department": "Test-Department", "confirmationcode": "Test-Confirmation code", "smscode": "Test-Sms code", "createtime": "Test-Create time", "logintime": "Test-Login time", "activated": 0, "mm3customersid": 1000, "access_admin": 0, "mm3useraccountsid": 1000, "access_superadmin": 0, "access_distributor": 0, "access_external": 0, "mexcRolesid": 2, "access_level": 0, "mm3usersid": 1000, "agreedterms": 0, "mexcVehiclesid": 0, "phonenumber2": "Test-Phone integer 2", "lastlogin": "Test-Last login", "lastactivity": "Test-Last activity", "pushTokens": "Test-Push Tokens", "pushBadge": 0, "ownerPno": "Test-Owner pno" }

Delete a user

DELETE method/users/{mm3useraccountsid}

Removes a user. Please note that the user isn't deleted but rather set to inactive.

Request parameters


{ "name": "Test-Name", "phonenumber": "Test-Phone integer", "email": "Test-Email", "username": "Test-Username", "password_old": "Test-Password old", "password_hashed": "Test-Password hashed", "company": "Test-Company", "street": "Test-Street", "postalcode": "Test-Postal code", "city": "Test-City", "country": "Test-Country", "mm3userrolesid": 0, "department": "Test-Department", "confirmationcode": "Test-Confirmation code", "smscode": "Test-Sms code", "createtime": "Test-Create time", "logintime": "Test-Login time", "activated": 0, "mm3customersid": 1000, "access_admin": 0, "mm3useraccountsid": 1000, "access_superadmin": 0, "access_distributor": 0, "access_external": 0, "mexcRolesid": 2, "access_level": 0, "mm3usersid": 1000, "agreedterms": 0, "mexcVehiclesid": 0, "phonenumber2": "Test-Phone integer 2", "lastlogin": "Test-Last login", "lastactivity": "Test-Last activity", "pushTokens": "Test-Push Tokens", "pushBadge": 0, "ownerPno": "Test-Owner pno" }

Update an existing user

PATCH method/users/{mm3useraccountsid}

Update an existing user by mm3useraccountsid

Request parameters

{ "User": { "name": "Test-Name", "phonenumber": "Test-Phone integer", "email": "Test-Email", "username": "Test-Username", "password_old": "Test-Password old", "password_hashed": "Test-Password hashed", "company": "Test-Company", "street": "Test-Street", "postalcode": "Test-Postal code", "city": "Test-City", "country": "Test-Country", "mm3userrolesid": 0, "department": "Test-Department", "confirmationcode": "Test-Confirmation code", "smscode": "Test-Sms code", "createtime": "Test-Create time", "logintime": "Test-Login time", "activated": 0, "mm3customersid": 1000, "access_admin": 0, "mm3useraccountsid": 1000, "access_superadmin": 0, "access_distributor": 0, "access_external": 0, "mexcRolesid": 2, "access_level": 0, "mm3usersid": 1000, "agreedterms": 0, "mexcVehiclesid": 0, "phonenumber2": "Test-Phone integer 2", "lastlogin": "Test-Last login", "lastactivity": "Test-Last activity", "pushTokens": "Test-Push Tokens", "pushBadge": 0, "ownerPno": "Test-Owner pno" } }


{ "name": "Test-Name", "phonenumber": "Test-Phone integer", "email": "Test-Email", "username": "Test-Username", "password_old": "Test-Password old", "password_hashed": "Test-Password hashed", "company": "Test-Company", "street": "Test-Street", "postalcode": "Test-Postal code", "city": "Test-City", "country": "Test-Country", "mm3userrolesid": 0, "department": "Test-Department", "confirmationcode": "Test-Confirmation code", "smscode": "Test-Sms code", "createtime": "Test-Create time", "logintime": "Test-Login time", "activated": 0, "mm3customersid": 1000, "access_admin": 0, "mm3useraccountsid": 1000, "access_superadmin": 0, "access_distributor": 0, "access_external": 0, "mexcRolesid": 2, "access_level": 0, "mm3usersid": 1000, "agreedterms": 0, "mexcVehiclesid": 0, "phonenumber2": "Test-Phone integer 2", "lastlogin": "Test-Last login", "lastactivity": "Test-Last activity", "pushTokens": "Test-Push Tokens", "pushBadge": 0, "ownerPno": "Test-Owner pno" }

Reses the users password and send a mail with a new login link

POST method/users/forgotpassword

Resets the users password and sends a mail with a new login link

Request parameters

{ "username": "" }


Get the list of whitelists

GET method/whitelists

Returns a list of whitelists


[ { "mexcCreditwhitelistsid": 5, "number": 5560631086, "until": "2017-01-05T23:00:00.000Z", "datetime": "2016-12-06T06:54:05.000Z", "registeredby": "Andreas Johansson", "reason": "", "mm3customersid": 13503, "disableAddressCheck": 0 } ]

Place a credit

POST method/whitelists

Place a new credit

Request parameters

{ "mexcCreditwhitelistsid": 5, "number": 5560631086, "until": "2017-01-05T23:00:00.000Z", "datetime": "2016-12-06T06:54:05.000Z", "registeredby": "Andreas Johansson", "reason": "", "mm3customersid": 13503, "disableAddressCheck": 0 }


{ "mexcCreditwhitelistsid": 5, "number": 5560631086, "until": "2017-01-05T23:00:00.000Z", "datetime": "2016-12-06T06:54:05.000Z", "registeredby": "Andreas Johansson", "reason": "", "mm3customersid": 13503, "disableAddressCheck": 0 }

Find credit by mexcCreditwhitelistsid

GET method/whitelists/{mexcCreditwhitelistsid}

Returns a single credit

Request parameters


{ "mexcCreditwhitelistsid": 5, "number": 5560631086, "until": "2017-01-05T23:00:00.000Z", "datetime": "2016-12-06T06:54:05.000Z", "registeredby": "Andreas Johansson", "reason": "", "mm3customersid": 13503, "disableAddressCheck": 0 }

Delete a credit

DELETE method/whitelists/{mexcCreditwhitelistsid}

Removes a credit

Request parameters


{ "result": "Removed", "mexcParamvaluesetsid": 10000 }

Update an existing credit

PATCH method/whitelists/{mexcCreditwhitelistsid}

Update an existing credit by mexcCreditwhitelistsid

Request parameters

{ "mexcCreditwhitelistsid": 5, "number": 5560631086, "until": "2017-01-05T23:00:00.000Z", "datetime": "2016-12-06T06:54:05.000Z", "registeredby": "Andreas Johansson", "reason": "", "mm3customersid": 13503, "disableAddressCheck": 0 }


{ "mexcCreditwhitelistsid": 5, "number": 5560631086, "until": "2017-01-05T23:00:00.000Z", "datetime": "2016-12-06T06:54:05.000Z", "registeredby": "Andreas Johansson", "reason": "", "mm3customersid": 13503, "disableAddressCheck": 0 }
Last modified: 13 September 2024